Efficacy on cleansing post space root canal walls after Hydraulic Endodontic Sealers were used

Submitted: 29 July 2024
Accepted: 16 September 2024
Published: 28 October 2024
Abstract Views: 386
PDF: 79
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Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy on the cleansing of root walls from several hydraulic endodontic sealers , of smear layer, of the debris, and gutta-percha after the preparation of the restorative space. 

Methods Sixty single rooted have been collected. All the samples were prepared by the same operator (DIKP), using Nickeltitanium rotating instruments (MTwo) through the Simultaneous Shaping Technique. The Continuous-wave of condensation technique of obturation was used in combination with the tested hydraulic endodontic sealers. To all specimens, the restorative space has been made, leaving 5 mm of apical guttapercha and performed postoperative periapical X-Rays. The samples were randomly divided into 4 groups: Group A: traditional endodontic sealer; Group B): Experimental GC hydraulic sealer; Group C: OneFill hydraulic sealer; Group 4: Ceraseal hydraulic sealer. Accordingly with the used cleansing procedure, the 4 Groups were subdivided in 3 SubGroups: A: no cleansing after preparation of root canal space; B: Cleansing with EDTA 17%; C: Cleansing with ETDA 17% ultrasonic activated. All dental sample groups were cut longitudinally with a low-speed saw (Isomet); the samples were observed using a scanning electron microscope (Jeol, Jsm-6060LV) to evaluate: 1. Amount of debris/smear layer; 2. Amount of obstruction of dentinal tubules found in the groups; 3. Evaluation of the presence of hydraulic endodontic sealer. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney non-parametric comparison test.

Results The SEM observations showed that to clean the root canal wall from hydraulic sealer EDTA 17% activated with ultrasonic device are needed. The traditional sealer was statistically significant better cleaned from root canal walls than hydraulic sealers.

Conclusions The hydraulic endodontic sealers are cleaned with more difficulty than traditional endodontic sealer.

Clinical significance The hydraulic endodontic sealers can be an obstacle to adhesive reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth.



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How to Cite

Pontoriero, D., Verniani, G., Manfredini, D., Ferrari, M., & Ferrari Cagidiaco, E. (2024). Efficacy on cleansing post space root canal walls after Hydraulic Endodontic Sealers were used. Journal of Osseointegration, 16(4), 221–229. https://doi.org/10.23805/JO.2024.671