Digital planning of a customized CAD-CAM healing abutment for soft tissue conditioning at the time of implant placement: A different digital and clinical perspective in molar implant rehabilitation

Published: 9 March 2022
Abstract Views: 616
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Aims Achieving ideal peri-implant soft tissue contour is essential for a predictable restorative success. After tooth extraction, even in case of ridge preservation, a volume deficiency could be still observed at the time of implant planning. The aim of this clinical report was to present a new digital and clinical workflow in molar implant rehabilitations.

Clinical considerations A new workflow is described for planning and fabricating a customized healing abutment for conditioning peri-implant soft tissues at the same time of implant placement and also help digital impression-taking for the desired prosthetic emergence profile, with a time saving for both patient and dentist.

Conclusion A customized healing abutment helps digital impression-taking and prepares the soft tissue to the prosthetic finalization with further individual compensation simulating the root area in order to achieve the best possible definitive emergence profile.



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How to Cite

Lepidi, L., Galli, M., Suriano, C., Ruggiero, G., Calabrese, L., Li, J., & Venezia, P. (2022). Digital planning of a customized CAD-CAM healing abutment for soft tissue conditioning at the time of implant placement: A different digital and clinical perspective in molar implant rehabilitation. Journal of Osseointegration, 13(s4), S305-S310.