The effects of titanium on blood derived biomaterials pertaining to regeneration: A comparative study

Submitted: 9 August 2021
Accepted: 23 February 2022
Published: 16 December 2022
Abstract Views: 1004
PDF: 346
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Aim Ever since Brånemark’s discovery of osseointegration, developments of titanium and its applications are numerously leading to recent studies, focusing on the evaluation of its hemocompatibility with reference to regeneration. The aim of the present work is to compare and evaluate effects of titanium on different platelet rich products. 

Materials and methods Titanium tubes were manufactured from raw titanium. Platelet concentrates were prepared using titanium and platelet rich product. Study groups were divided into six groups. Titanium platelet preparations were denoted as TPRFX , TPRFY, TPRFZ which are titanium and fibrin preparations. TPRPX, TPRPY, TPRPZ are titanium and plasma preparations. TPRFZ and TPRPZ were novel products, that are platelet preparations activated with titanium. Each of the formulations prepared, were measured according to their influence on growth of cell which was analyzed following tissue culture. 

Results Minimum regenerative potential was seen in TPRPy. Maximum regenerative potential was seen in TPRFz which was followed by TPRPz.

Conclusion This is a novel study discovering better regeneration when platelets undergo shear stress with hemocompatible biomaterials like titanium, thereby proving that thus obtained platelet concentrates TPRFz and TPRPz have better efficiency. A combination of titanium and platelets need to be further studied from all aspects to promote these novel products and advance in their benefits on healing.



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How to Cite

Gomez, T., Samuel, A., Shankar, R., Gopakumar, R., & Chandran, D. (2022). The effects of titanium on blood derived biomaterials pertaining to regeneration: A comparative study. Journal of Osseointegration, 15(1), 24–31.