Efficacy of application of i-PRF to the surface of implants to improve osseointegration during the healing period: a split-mouth pilot study

Submitted: 17 May 2021
Accepted: 15 June 2021
Published: 19 November 2021
Abstract Views: 1208
pdf: 1585
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Aim Osseointegration time influences the overall time between Implant placement and delivery of the prosthesis. It is a complex process that is controlled by a number of inflammatory mediators and growth factors. i-PRF has the capability of providing a fibrin scaffold and also releasing essential growth factors such as PDGF and TGF which are responsible for bone remodeling. This study aimed to check whether the application of i-PRF (injectable-platelet rich fibrin) as a surface coating over the implant just before placement can aid in faster osseointegration.

Materials and methods This study was conducted at the Department of Oral Implantology at the Saveetha Dental College and Hospital in Chennai. The patient inclusion criteria were: age between 18-60 years, bilaterally missing posterior mandibular teeth and adequate bone for the placement of conventional implants. The total sample included 10 patients. This split-mouth trial included two groups: Group A (test), including sites in which Straumann SLA (Sandblasted Large grit Acid-etched) implants coated with i-PRF were placed, and Group B (controls), which included sites in which Straumann SLActive implants were placed. ISQ values were recorded using RFA smart pegs on the day of placement and follow-up at 1 week and 6 weeks. Statistical analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test to check for any significant difference between the two groups.

Results The results of this pilot study showed that the ISQ values that were recorded during the specific time periods were similar between the two groups and had no significant difference. At 6 weeks both groups achieved ideal stability for loading of implants. This is an indication that the coated implants were able to match the faster osseointegration time of the active implants.

Conclusion The results of this study show the scope of using i-PRF on the surface of implants to improve its stability and faster osseointegration. Further prospective clinical trials with a larger sample size should be done to confirm the role of i-PRF in the process of osseointegration.



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Supporting Agencies

Saveetha Dental College and Hospital

How to Cite

Fernandes, J., Priyalochana, G., & Thiyaneswaran, N. (2021). Efficacy of application of i-PRF to the surface of implants to improve osseointegration during the healing period: a split-mouth pilot study. Journal of Osseointegration, 14(1), 53–58. https://doi.org/10.23805/JO.2022.14.6