Evaluation of implant stability and marginal bone loss in immediate implant using "nano bone" versus "autogenous bone" for the treatment of patients with unrestorable single tooth: a randomized controlled trial

Published: 28 October 2019
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Aim A randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the advantages of using nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) bone graft compared to the "gold standard" autogenous bone graft in the jumping gap with immediate implants. 

Materials and methods Immediate implant placement was performed for the treatment of patients with an unrestorable single tooth. All eligible patients, in total 18, were randomly selected and divided in two groups, controls (AG) and study group (NB), in equal proportions (9 for eah group). Six month later implants were surgically exposed and the measurements of the secondary outcomes were taken. 

Results Implant stability outcomes showed no significant differences in the groups. Marginal bone level of both groups at baseline and after six months showed a significant difference, as  bone loss occurred more in NB group than AG group. 

Conclusion Within the limits of the present study the placement of NB graft in the jumping gap contributed in decreasing and reduced the morbidity of the donor site compared to autogenous bone (AB) group. Trial had been registered in both The Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (PACTR) PACTR201512001348246 and clinical trial.gov NCT02613663.



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How to Cite

Adam, S. A. N., Elarab, A. E., Rahman, A. R. A., & Abel Rahim, D. F. (2019). Evaluation of implant stability and marginal bone loss in immediate implant using "nano bone" versus "autogenous bone" for the treatment of patients with unrestorable single tooth: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Osseointegration, 12(1), 8–17. https://doi.org/10.23805/JO.2019.12.01.21