A literature review on progressive loading

Published: 31 July 2019
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Aim The planning of implant-supported dentures can become complex when the patient has low or poor quality of bone. Some studies suggest that excessive functional load or traumatic occlusion over dental implants placed in bone of poor quality and density  may cause marginal bone loss and increase implant failure rate. In 1980, Misch proposed the progressive loading of a dental implant. A protocol that may produce a lower crestal bone loss compared to the conventional loading protocol, as well it may increase bone density in poor quality areas.  The aim of this review of the literature was to update and summarize the progressive loading protocol and to describe its benefits and its possible effect on dental implant success.

Methods The following combinations of controlled terms (MeSH) and keywords were used: (€œprogressive loading"[All Fields] OR "progressive bone loading"[All Fields] OR "progressive bone load"[All Fields] OR "progressive load"[All Fields]) AND (€œdental implants"[MeSH Terms] OR "dental implant") 

Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, all authors concluded that PL produces less crestal bone loss and trends to high bone density around dental implants. Authors also support the idea that PL may stimulate bone growth and maturation and offer benefits in bone quality and density and suggest the use of gradual loading especially in bones with low density.



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How to Cite

Vergara - Buenaventura, A., Villanueva, M., Montoya, J. P., & Mendoza - Azpur, G. (2019). A literature review on progressive loading. Journal of Osseointegration, 11(3), 513–518. https://doi.org/10.23805/JO.2019.11.03.07