Use of monolithic lithium disilicate for implant abutment and crown: a clinical report

Published: 18 July 2019
Abstract Views: 908
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Background Lithium disilicate is usually used for producing prosthetic crowns to be cemented on teeth or implant abutments. On the contrary, its use for producing implant abutment is not reported. This report describes the use of monolithic lithium disilicate to realize implant abutment and crown.

Case report A 60-year-old male patient required dental implant restoration for replacing the upper right central incisor. A lithium disilicate abutment and crown were realized by pressing.

Conlusion Lithium disilicate may be a valid alternative to zirconia for producing implant abutments in the esthetic area.



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How to Cite

Mobilio, N., & Catapano, S. (2019). Use of monolithic lithium disilicate for implant abutment and crown: a clinical report. Journal of Osseointegration, 11(3), 504–506.