Impact of single implant versus two-implant mandibular retained overdentures on retention and success rate in totally edentulous patients. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Published: 27 July 2018
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Aim Purpose of this RCT was to evaluate the denture retention and success rate of totally edentulous patients in single median versus two inter-foraminal implant-supported mandibular over-dentures on.
Material and methods Twenty-four totally edentulous patients were selected in this trial. The eligible patients were allocated randomly into two equivalent groups of 12 participants each. A single-implant (G I) or two inter-foraminal implants (GII) were located in the mandible. Three months later, pick up of the locator attachment wa performed to  all  implants and  denture bases. Assessments of denture retention and success rate of implants were measured at the three, six, and twelve month's follow-up assessments. The study consists of twenty-four totally edentulous patients (14 males and 9 females) with age range of 59.6 years. Thirty six implants were inserted (12 in single-implant and 24 in the two inter-foraminal implants). All patients accomplished the twelve months period of follow-up.
Results Regarding  denture retention, the two inter-foraminal implant group (GII) showed statistically significant differences compared to the single-implant group (GI). Concerning success criteria of implants the results revealed insignificant differences between patients in  both groups.
Conclusion Single-implant mandibular over-dentures may be recommended as an alternate treatment option for the management of edentulous patients in populations with low economic status.



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Oral implantology

How to Cite

AlSourori, A. A., Mostafa, M. H., Kaddah, A. F., Fayyad, A. E., Al Adl, A. Z., & Swedan, M. S. (2018). Impact of single implant versus two-implant mandibular retained overdentures on retention and success rate in totally edentulous patients. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Osseointegration, 10(3), 79–86.