Zygomatic implants placement in conjunction with maxillary sinus augmentation without bone grafting: Prosthetic and surgical consideration in immediate loading with the BARI technique

Published: 31 October 2017
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Aim Zygomatic implants are mainly indicated for the rehabilitation of extremely atrophic maxilla when bone augmentation should be avoided. One disadvantage of zygomatic implants, which typically pass through the sinus, is initial or late bone resorption around the implant neck, which can result in oro-antral communications followed by possible sinusitis. To decrease the risk of sinus infection, a modified technique was developed to preserve the integrity of the sinus membrane and to regenerate bone around zygomatic implants through an extended sinus augmentation approach without bone grafting.

Case report This case report describes the treatment of a 53-year-old female patient who was completely edentulous in the upper and lower jaws and was wearing a complete removable denture. The patient€™s chief complaint was related to the removable prostheses and she asked for a fixed rehabilitation. The patient was treated with zygomatic implants in the upper atrophic maxilla and with 4 intra-foraminal implantw in the mandible with the immediate loading procedure according to the BARI Technique.

Conclusion This approach permitted to deliver two fixed, screw-retained, implant-supported fixed prostheses to the patient.



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How to Cite

D€™Amato, S., Tartaro, G., Venezia, P., Torsello, F., & Santagata, M. (2017). Zygomatic implants placement in conjunction with maxillary sinus augmentation without bone grafting: Prosthetic and surgical consideration in immediate loading with the BARI technique. Journal of Osseointegration, 9(3), 295–304. https://doi.org/10.23805/jo.2017.09.03.05