Crestal sinus lift combined with single and multiple implant placement using a new atraumatic technique. Report of two cases

Published: 21 November 2017
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Aim The aim of this study was to report and compare two cases with a significant atrophy of the posterior maxillae treated with an atraumatic, innovative procedure for maxillary sinus lift by crestal approach.

Materials and methods Two patients with partial edentulism in the posterior maxillae with inadequate bone volume were treated with SinCrest® procedure (Meta, Reggio Emilia, Italy). The sinus lift was performed with the simultaneous placement of the implants (three in the first case, one in the second), and after 6 months an X-ray was taken to assess the success of the treatment.

Results SinCrest® proved to be a mini-invasive atraumatic procedure, efficient in sinus floor elevation for the placement of single or multiple implants. Moreover, it showed a good crestal bone increase particularly with multiple implants, comparable to that obtained with a lateral window approach.

Conclusions This technique resulted to be a valid alternative for sinus floor augmentation thanks to its mini-invasive, atraumatic and safe procedures in cases of residual alveolar bone of at least 3 mm height.



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How to Cite

Borgonovo, A. E., Vavassori, V., Moramarco, V., Ugolini, F., Brunelli, G., & Re, D. (2017). Crestal sinus lift combined with single and multiple implant placement using a new atraumatic technique. Report of two cases. Journal of Osseointegration, 9(3), 289–94.